Lost rose garden...

Rhapsody in Blue Roses
Lost : fifty country roses - Rugosas, Hybrid Teas, David Austins, Noack Flower Carpets. Assorted colours. Last seen in the Hump Garden, all pruned, and sprouting. Reward.
Hidden away...
Ha! Slowly, very slowly but surely, I am finding them, hidden away in lush, weedy vegetation. I'm uncovering them carefully, and yes, some have bravely started to bloom. The taller, chunky shrubs like Clair Matin, Corylus, and Rosa Woodsii fendleri haven't had a problem, and the new roses I purchased six months ago have been planted (sensibly) out in the open. But lots of other beauties are struggling, smothered in Alkanet and Campion.
And here's my dilemma. I love the pink Campion and blue Alkanet flowers, as do the bees who visit in spring. But both these plants are pretty weedy (could be called invasive) and some gardeners wouldn't touch them. Actually, good luck if you ever want to get rid of Alkanet - impossible without a scorched earth policy and/or some rather distressing chemical antics.
So we (the bees and I) have compromised. If it's not near a rose and it's still flowering, then it's OK and can stay. For now.

Campion and Alkanet
Yippee! The paths are passable again. The Cercis tree looks absolutely gorgeous, and has just had a good dose of water. The maple (sycamore?) trees are happy, as are all the others - many are self-sown prunus seedlings which I've left to grow (love their blossom in spring).

Trees in the Hump garden
So here are some of my 2021 photographs of the Hump Garden roses - 2021 is the year, not the number of photographs, hee hee. As for names - some are unknown, some I've guessed at, and some are new and still have their labels attached. A very good idea, that...
There are more to come - some are later bloomers, and others have moved in from other less hospitable locations in the garden, so this is their first growing year. Am so glad they're happy.