Gardening Links

A stock gate in the Back Paddock
Below are some of our gardening related Internet links. They are a mixed bunch, with a focus on the smaller, personal sites - the grass roots of gardening on the Internet. Our Gardening friends from all around the world are represented here.
If you have a site that you'd like us to share links with, please contact the Moosey Team.
Animals in the Garden...
- Many gardeners share their gardens with animals - some welcome, some not. In different parts of the world the native animal visitors can have an impact. Then there are domestic pets - particularly cats and dogs - which all gardeners should love...
Assorted Gardening Sites...
- Gardening is a hobby (or obsession) shared by many people throughout the world. A garden website solves the problem faced by gardeners who are sick of writing lists and tidying the glass-house, on days too rainy or snowy or stormy - or sunny - to be in the garden...
Botanical Gardens...
- Throughout the world many cities large and small are known for their Botanical Gardens. These are not just places for the tourist. Indeed, many home gardeners have found inspiration by quietly wandering around their local public gardens.
- It's impossible not to be charmed by daffodils. And when you realise how many types there are these spring bulbs become really interesting. There are famous daffodil collections, and daffodil societies in many countries.
- The following links are a collection of the Moosey favourite websites. They form a rather messy collection, from garden sheds to painters. But please remember that gardeners are allowed to be a little random...
Garden Blogs - One...
- Like Moosey, many gardeners like writing about their gardens almost as much as doing the gardening. Weblogs, or blogs, are an easy way to keeping up-to-date with the developments in people's gardens around the world.
Garden Blogs - Three...
- Just as my garden keeps on expanding, more and more areas of the internet have new garden blogs growing, flowering, and flourishing. It's heartwarming to know that so much gardening blogging is going on - gardeners are, after all, the nicest possible people.
Garden Blogs - Two...
- There are now more garden blogs than weeds growing in the great global internet garden. Each week I meet more and more passionate, funny, hard-working gardeners who still find time to write about their days. Every day!
Garden Clubs & Societies...
- In all countries there are garden clubs and societies where gardeners can get together, swap plants and stories, and socialise. Specialised growers and breeders also love to share their experiences with others.
Garden Fountains...
- All of my water features are functional. Water flows where ever it has to get to. The irrigation sprinklers put on an impressive display at sunset but somehow they aren't enough. Something is lacking. My garden needs a proper fountain!
Garden Furniture & Structures...
- At Mooseys we often get asked for help with building bridges, fences, gates, pergolas, etc. These and other structures are often the results of gentle nagging programmes, carried out sensitively by the gardener, aimed at a non-gardening partner.
Garden Nurseries...
- I enjoy searching through online garden nurseries, particularly those with mail-order services. I'm happy to read their catalogues for hours, even if bio-security restrictions mean there's no possibility of purchasing anything!
Garden Picture Galleries...
- Think of all the beautiful things there are to photograph even in the smallest garden - from vistas and landscapes to dew drops and bees collecting pollen. There are colours of flowers, patterns of foliage, and textures in plant borders.
Garden Statues & Sculptures...
- Garden art can be a few simple stones placed artistically, or sophisticated stone sculptures, gabions and statues. Moosey's garden doesn't have many garden statues & sculptures at the moment... save for this rather elderly gnome, if he counts.
Garden Tools & Accessories...
- I suppose gardeners could garden with their bare hands, or use implements sneaked out of the kitchen cutlery drawer. At Mooseys this only happens when all the current diggers, secaterurs, and gardening gloves are temporarily misplaced, or mulched.
Garden Visits and Tours...
- Whether organising your own gardening tour or joining a tour group, visiting other people's gardens is surely almost as exciting as being home in your own garden. Enjoy the following links to gardens that I've visited.
Generally Gardening...
- Here is a collection of general gardening sites, and sites which have sections of gardening interest.
- Hebes are great little shrubs for the garden, and are so well behaved that they have been granted their own links page. They always look good, whether the gardener remembers to prune them after flowering or totally forgets about them.
Hosta Gardens...
- Hostas are one of the most popular foliage plants. They are remarkably easy to grow (as long as the slugs and snails are dealt to). Hosta breeding has introduced some amazing leaf variations, too.
Jack's Sequoia Gardens Blog...
- Here is the best ever garden blog for you to enjoy - it's from an amazing gardener and writer in South Africa. It's my friend Jack's blog about his garden and life at Sequoia Farm, and I'm probably very biased!
New Zealand Gardens...
- New Zealand is blessed with a temperate climate, and a population who generally have the space to enjoy gardening. There are many New Zealand gardens open for visits throughout the two islands, and many others who have websites to visit.
New Zealand Native Plants...
- Sometimes the gardener who knows the least about New Zealand natives will be a native New Zealander gardener, so to speak! New Zealand plants are so often taken for granted in their natural surroundings, and used in our gardens quite casually.
New Zealand Phormiums (Flaxes)...
- The Moosey garden is full of New Zealand Phormiums (flaxes). They catch the eye of our visitors, and we get many requests from hopeful flax owners worldwide. New Zealand gardeners are lucky in being able to source all sorts of flaxes easily and often very cheaply.
Online Garden Community...
- There are many online garden communities who meet and communicate in forums, chatrooms, and other assorted interactive sites. The following are links to sites which will give an online garden experience.
Organic Gardening...
- Organic gardening ideas aren't new, and they can teach us a great deal. Mooseys is as organic as it can be, and tries to be aware of the bigger organic gardening environment.
Rose Gardens...
- Roses are possibly the most popular flowers. They are beautiful, romantic, strong-willed plants. Much is written about their history and cultivation. Old fashioned roses have recently made a comeback, and new varieties continue to impress.
Water Gardens...
- In the Moosey garden water is taken for granted - the pond and the irrigation race are functional, though I've enjoyed experimenting with their waterside plantings. There's indescribable magic in the sounds of running water, evoking a most peaceful ambience.