Garden Blogs - Three

Gardeners Are Nice People
Just as my garden keeps on expanding, more and more areas of the internet have new garden blogs growing, flowering, and flourishing. It's nice to know that so much gardening blogging is going on - gardeners are, after all, the nicest possible people.
Anyone Can Blog
Any gardener can start a blog - they don't need a certificate, or experience, or even much money! Just a computer, a garden, some time, and a love of gardening. Sounds easy, doesn't it?
And what a wonderful way to meet new friends from all over the gardening world and follow their adventures. Gardeners tend not to have disgracefully overblown egos, either - we've all made major mistakes, and realised that we don't know even half of everything. The joy of gardening is keeping on, trying, trying...
Enjoy this, my third list, of great gardening blogs to visit from all around the world.
More Top Blogs
William's Garden
- William gardens in North Wales.
Juliet's Garden
- A gardener after my own heart! Juliet's garden is in Australia.
Karly's Garden Blog
- You'll enjoy this Australian garden blog.
More New Blogs - New For the Moosey Links, Anyway
Rosie's Garden Blog
- Rosie gardens in Perthshire, Scotland.
Christine's Garden Blog
- Christine gardens in Alaska - a Last Frontier gardener!
Julianne's Garden Blog
- Julianne gardens near me - in Christchurch, New Zealand.