Stop dithering, buy new plants...

Brrr... A two degree (Celsius) frost, and I have been sitting on the cottage verandah chatting with Speckles the stray, hands clasped around my hot cup of tea. A chilly way to start the morning, and slightly daft, I guess. I've been thinking about buying some new plants for the garden.

 Turning yellow before they fall.
Wisteria Leaves

Today I have to make some decisions. I can't fill every difficult place in my garden up with Agapanthus. Tough shrubs might be the answer. Corokias, for example. And even some new Flower Carpet roses - they flower late season, and are so tough.

 So pretty!
Pink Splash Flower Carpet Rose

Off to buy plants!

Ha! Instant action. It's still too cold to go gardening, so I am off to the local home and garden store. I have some vouches to spend. I will stop dithering and buy some plants. Locations are already cleared - the Driveway Border, the Stables Border, the Stumpy Garden (where the Oak trees were felled), by the dog kennels, and the house patio garden (for the roses and daffodils). It is the perfect month to plant new shrubs.

Much later...

Am back with Hebes, Corokias, two Countess Haddington Rhododendrons, a striped Phormium, an Escallonia with fat leaves and pink flowers, three Lavenders for the Dog Kennel Garden, and two Flower Carpet roses called 'Pink Splash'. Also some bags of daffodils and garlic. I know where everything is going. Have given myself five days to get absolutely everything into pots or position. Or else!

 And daffodils.
New Shrubs

Started work watering and fortifying the Stables Garden soil with horse manure and rotted wood chips. Planted the Hebes in here, plus a Miscanthus from my spare plants section. Then became side-tracked and started chopping down the large Phormium (which is flopping apart, with more dead leaves than live ones). And it's a dominator - far too big for a small garden area.

 Too big!
Starting to Remove the Phormium

Stopped a bit early because the sun was sinking fast and it was getting quite cold. Late afternoon - an email message from my local council which filled me with dread. Aargh! The fire ban has been lifted. Aargh! Goodbye to my creative gardening side. Hello to the bonfire.

Thursday 9th May

Aargh! I'm escaping - first to my adult ballet class, then off to visit family. It will be far too late to start the bonfire when I finally slink home, hee hee.