Good morning May

Cotinus in Autumn
Good morning to May, and to rain, perfect for the dry ground. Beautiful autumn leaves are all around (the oaks are nearly bare, the dogwoods still leafy). Autumn is the best season to be thoughtful and thankful, with wonderful sounds and beautiful sights.
Ignore the mess...
Aha! But as well as gushing about the beautiful things, I will also start May off by ignoring the ever growing piles of dry mess by the fences (one of the 'joys' of gardening with Eucalyptus trees, Cordylines, and Phormiums).
Much improved...
The house wood-burner is burning last year's wood prunings I collected from the old Apple tree, and chunkier pieces of the scruffy oak trees felled last year. Nice when the garden warms the house! The Stumpy Garden is much improved now that these unrewarding trees are gone. Shrubs trashed when they were felled (Choisya, Phormiums) are re-growing nicely, and the lawn has almost recovered.

The Oak Trees Are Gone
May, there is one thing you could do for me. And, oddly, that is to rain some more. And then some more. And even more! Because the rubbish piles which need to be bonfired are becoming too big.
Please rain some more...
I understand the total fire ban, I really do. But the burnable mess isn't helpful in my garden as it won't compost or break down. And if I leave it lying around, then next summer it becomes a fire hazard. It is my non-compostable problem. So please rain as much as you like. I will be patient.

Mess by the Fence
P.S. I can always do winter knitting for the teddy bears if I get completely bored inside the house.