Wet weather gardening legend

Wet Patio
So it started heavily raining yesterday afternoon. And the rain continues to bucket down. But guess what? I am a wet weather gardening legend.
Wet cats...
Speckles the stray cat appeared on the cottage verandah about 5am this morning, absolutely drenched. I let him in to eat in the dry. Over in the house later for my breakfast, the Fred cats were also very wet. Red Fred has a very scabby head, from fighting his brother. He sits on my lap in the evenings and I gently scratch away. He also presents his head for the dogs to lick. Too much information? Sensible cat, I reckon.
How I wish that I'd spread all my new horse manure on the garden yesterday. Do I have the nerve to go out in the rain and do just that? Hmm... It's the thought of getting muddy that stops me.
Two hours later...
Here's how I am going to do it : I choose appropriate clothing - light layers, easily washed. I expect to get wet. I do not sit down, I stay on the move to keep warm. I wear my gumboots and a cap. I lay out clean, warm clothes, wool socks, and so on in the house.

Dogs in the Rain
My targets are the rhododendrons in the Stumpy Garden. One bag each. I also remove yesterday's chopped-down Phormium mess. Half an hour maximum. And I organise a reward. Food? Maybe some new Graham Thomas roses to replace the ones I dug out and burnt?

Camellia Takanini
One hour later...
Did it! I am a wet weather gardening legend. It's actually quite easy - all in the mind, in a funny sort of way. Have sent Non-Gardening Partner to the store to get crackers, cheese, and chocolate. Have some banana and chocolate muffins cooking. A choice of food rewards.
And just a small weather comment. There's been so much rain that all the lawns are puddling. This is rare here on our extremely free-draining property. My goodness. What must it be like to see one's garden flooding? Or worse, one's house? Eek!