Not a make-over?

 In the Hump Garden.
rosa woodsii fendleri

My re-organising (am not calling it a make-over) of the Hump Garden continues. Have re-established the lower path past Rosa Woodsii. Strange rose. Suddenly last year lots of canes died. I thought species roses just went on and on for ever.

Love this rose...

I've trimmed out most of what I think are the dead bits, and potted up some suckers. I love this rose. Hopefully all will not be lost. And the silliest thing - two years ago I blocked off the lower path so Rosa Woodsii would have enough room to grow, without needing trimming. Humph! Where's the gratitude?

Then, for a slight change of scenery, I weeded and re-aligned the front edge of the garden where the Blush Noisette roses grow. Removed two heavy barrow loads of green weeds (mainly Campion), spread bags of horse manure around, shifted a green Carex which was smothering a rose, planted a rose, shifted another towards the new lawn edge. Sat on an old feed bag and slithered along on my bottom, to be kind to my old hips and knees.

 In the Hump Garden.
Striped Phormium

Roses, roses...

The climbers Blackberry Nip and Sparieshoop on the far archway are not happy, and need to be relocated, arch and all. Nearby I'd planted a small green Phormium, on the border's edge by the lawn. Silly place to plant it - it won't stay small enough for long. I never learn. But now there's room for Archduke Joseph, rescued from the Allotment Garden, to be relocated. Another rose that I love.

Just as I was finishing up Non-Gardening Partner arrived to chain-saw down a sprouting gum tree stump in the Periwinkle Woodland. So I went to watch. The six 'sprouts', only four years old, were as thick as my legs and nearly ten meters high. Incredible growth. Wow!

Saturday 15th July

I'm wondering if I can finish off the Hump Garden today. Hey, hey! Now that's a supremely positive thought. So should I make a list? No way. Just get in there and use eyes and brain (plus the body's gardening bits). Pay attention to detail. Wear gloves. If something needs shifting then just shift it.

 The front part of this garden, at least.

Much later...

Almost finished, just the main path now to organise. The lower path works well - scooped weeds off it, and straightened the edge logs. Replanted the Agapanthus clumps.

 In the Hump Garden.
Lower and Main Paths

Shifted plants around, weeded some more, and took loads of smaller gum tree branches to the bonfire. But after three hours my hands, feet, and bottom were just too cold. So that was me done for the day. Good work, though.

Sunday 16th July

A beautiful day. Sang in a Victoria Mass this morning, then fixed up the main path, which only took me two hours. Am going to plant the roses Munstead Wood and John Clare (rescued from the Allotment Garden) near (but not too near) it, will weed out the Campion to make room accordingly. Am leaving the path where it is now, to swoosh past by the Miscanthus zebrinus - can put up a wee bamboo trellis next year to restrain any floppy grass stems.