Scary spring...
The beauty of spring in my garden is starting to scare me. Aargh! The big fluffy blossom tree! Eek! The Forsythia in flower. Wow! Green growth and daffodils! Oh dear! Must remember to enjoy everything. Oh no! The weeds...
To calm myself down, wrote a things-to-do list. It was far too long, and not at all calming, so I ignored it. Decided instead to choose four separate activities and do each for an hour or more.

White Daffodil
So I 'sat-down weeded' for an hour - trimmed two huge over-grown Phormiums, raked out mess, trimmed ferns, and so on. I watered all my pots - spinach and lettuce happily growing by the patio, roses waiting for permanent homes by the front of the garage. I lopped and cleared more of the downed Oak trees. Then I had a shower and played my piano (Triana by Albeniz). Perfect!
Wednesday 13th September
I am doing the same thing as yesterday, except in half hour sessions, because I have chamber music to go to this afternoon. I have even swept the house patio! Yeay! But... I have mislaid a tiny rake, and I rather like this tool. It's a proper rake length with the raking part only as wide as my hand.
Am making good progress clearing the Oak tree mess, and starting to think about new plantings for the gardens that those messy trees were dominating.

Oak Tree Mess
Thursday 14th September
Today just might be a slower day - am pretty tired, quite dozy in fact. So the plan is to lop a bit more of the Oak tree mess, and do a little bit of sit-down weeding somewhere sheltered (the wind is becoming rather aggressive). That wind had better not blow off all the new cherry blossom!

Oak Tree Rounds
Feeling oh so dozy! Very dozy. Extremely dozy. Almost too dozy to do any gardening. If I sit down I might not even get up again. But I need to do some weeding, because I will feel so much better afterwards. I need to take a gardening pill?
Much later...
Aha! Spent over two hours weeding, dragging self around on bottom, pulling out dainty little weeds as well as using the hand digger. Would have been extremely restful, except for the noisy, gusting wind. Then I played my piano (Albeniz) for an hour. So that's me done, having had another 'proper' day, now enjoying a glass of no-alcohol House Blend wine (Merlot, Shiraz, and Blackcurrant syrup, hee hee).

Spring Colours