Piles of piles...

Trimmings in the Orchard
Oh boy. Sometimes the requirements of a country garden are super-sized, and I rather envy my urban friends, whose biggest struggle is to fit everything into their green bins.
Piles of piles...
Most country gardeners I know don't have green bins. They have piles of piles : compost piles, messy piles, burning piles, piles for the shredder, more burning piles, and areas of outstanding ugliness filled with piles of other stuff.
Taking a deep breath...
Taking a deep breath of fresh country air - so guess who's coming this afternoon? The hedge trimmer! Yeay for the hedge trimmer! To recap, the tree mess from the felled Oak trees has almost been cleared up. About eight more hours of work is required, and some wind-free days to burn the scraps.
And now the hedge trimmer is coming. Aargh! More mess! We won't even mention the mess from the big gum tree, felled in the Hump Garden. Haven't started to clear this up.
But those shelter hedges are necessary, blocking the southerlies and the nasty nor-west winds I've been moaning about these last days.
Thinking about how long 'it' takes. One whole hour to water my pots and put on the hoses. One week to finish the Oak trees, maybe three weeks to clean up the hedge mess, and maybe four more to clean up the felled gum tree. Hmm...
And the big winds have blown off all the spring blossom from the flowering cherry tree in the Driveway Lawn. That beautiful blossom lasted one week. Just one week of fluffy beauty!
Late afternoon...
Chigga-chigga-chigga went the hedge trimmer. Woof, woof barked the dogs, shut in their kennels. Whoosh went the wind, while I cleared out old Anemanthele grasses and Lamium from the Island Bed.

The Hedge Trimmer at Work
Now the hedge trimmer man has gone home. Crikey! So much mess! Patience! So much time to clean it up! But no problems, and no deadlines like visiting Garden Club ladies in floaty frocks (touch wood).

A Perfect Pile - Mulch
But back to piles of stuff in the garden. Check out this beauty. Most welcome. The best sort of pile.