Severe rain warning

As wet as it gets?
A severe rain warning. A once in a decade rain event forecast for us. Oooh. Is this exciting? It is for the aquifers. Not for people living near some of the rivers. Too late for the grass growth in the paddocks. My garden will absorb it with good grace. I am blessed with free-draining soil. Hope others will be OK.
Staying inside...
So far the rain has just been dribbling down. And I've decided to stay inside and do some web gardening. Haven't done this for a while. Keeps me connected to the web-earth, when the real earth is too wet, hee hee...
Next Morning...
So more than a month's worth of rain has fallen in a day. No big problems here. No leaky rooves or windows, drains coping. Just puddles, and a noisy night in the cottage with rain on the roof, part of the cottage's charm. But Minimus the cat couldn't settle - she wanted to come in, she wanted to go out.
And now a rather dark morning, the log burner crackling, and probably another day spent indoors. Not a problem. But there are big problems with flooding further south. My nearest river, the Waimakariri, is quite some distance away, and it's a wide braided river with lots of space to fill with water. My biggest issue is probably that one of my cats will decide to wander around outside and get drenched. Towelling down a wet cat is soooooo not an issue.
Much later...
What a strange day. It's rained and rained. It's not cold rain, and there's no wind. I've been busy doing web-gardening. Then I wander outside with a dog - Winnie (recovering from surgery) has toilet visits only, Pebbles goes on the retractable lead. I take some photographs of wetness (hardly visible) in the garden, and Non-Gardening Partner checks the rain gauge.
Goodness me! It's nearly full - 125ml. This is certainly the rain event of the decade.