Never satisfied!
Rain! Yeay! Cold rain. Brrr... Never satisfied, gardeners. They want rain, it starts raining, and immediately their heads fill up with imaginative, spirit-lifting gardening plans, enough to fill up the day quite nicely. But not suited to cold rain. Sooooooo frustrating!

Puddles on the Patio
Yesterday it wasn't raining, but I went out to my Bob Dylan Tribute Band rehearsal and knocked on heaven's door (so to speak) for over three hours (when I should have been gardening). Today, no way! I've been writing music and feeding the log-burner. Men keep turning up outside, randomly, preparing the roof for painting. Saw one of the Fred cats checking out the scaffolding just before.
Planting roses...
But let me detail what I did do the day before yesterday. I planted lots of my 'new' roses in the Hump - the rugosas, two Madame Oakley Fishers (happily sprouting in their pots), two Blush Noisettes (ditto), plus that strange Mutabilis relative called 'The Active'. Silly name. The active what? Should have been the active gardener, but I was entertaining small people at the time, and kept getting sidetracked. But there's joy in having planted the new roses before the rain - rather well timed.

Mutabilis Roses
The weather should now get colder, and provide a proper prelude to winter in the garden. This autumn has been weird - far too hot in the daytimes, and often into the nights, too. And look - surely cold rain is better than no rain? Some gardeners need to toughen up and get real, I reckon...