Hybrid Musk Roses

The class of roses known as Hybrid Musks were bred by the Rev. J. Pemberton in the early 1900s, in an attempt to recreate the 'Grandmother's roses' of his childhood. They are honest, well-behaved country roses, with clusters of flowers on generally longish canes. Not too tidy, but not too messy either. I just knew they would be perfect for my garden, and hoped that my garden would be perfect for them. All my Hybrid Musk roses are smallish climbers. They lean over fences, or climb gracefully into small trees. I've only had one 'casualty' - Autumn Delight, which I planted in a far-too-shady, dry place. My fault.

Cornelia RoseCornelia Rose...
Cornelia is the prettiest Hybrid musk rose that I grow, with delicate clusters of apricot pink flowers.
Danae RoseDanae Rose...
I love the big 'antique' shrub rose Danae. But I've ignored her (photographically, at least) for years. She flowers for weeks on end, in lemon yellow shades which echo the fluffy rugosa Agnes, her nearest rose neighbour. And this is the reason for my visual indifference...
Moonlight RoseMoonlight Rose...
I bought my first Moonlight rose after a serious bout of rose research. I wanted to grow roses other than the very modern ones, and the Hybrid Musks appealed as roses suited to a country garden.
Ballerina RoseBallerina Rose...
Ballerina is a lovely shrub rose with small pink and white flowers. It strikes really easily from cuttings - Ballerina roses grown on their own roots are strong and healthy.
Penelope RosePenelope Rose...
Penelope is another of the lovely hybrid musk roses in the Moosey rose garden. She's like an old lady, sprawling sideways and wobbling quite a lot - my big rose book describes this more delicately as 'arching'.
Prosperity RoseProsperity Rose...
Prosperity is a hybrid musk white rose which I love. Other more famous New Zealand gardeners agree with me - Prosperity should be as popular as the ubiquitous white Iceberg.
Buff Beauty Hybrid Musk RoseBuff Beauty Hybrid Musk Rose...
This is the renowned hybrid musk rose, Buff Beauty. I became interested in this family of roses early on, as they seemed ideal no-nonsense country roses. I wondered if Buff Beauty might look lost and washed out in my garden. I was wrong!
Lavender Lassie RoseLavender Lassie Rose...
This rose was retired here from a friend's garden, and she claims it is a Lavender Lassie. I planted it to spread over the wires between the pergola posts. The flowers were quite spectacular, in big clusters of blooms more pink in colour than lavender.