Parkdirektor Riggers Rose
I've just taken to my red climbing rose Parkdirektor Riggers in a frenzy of severe pruning (which I've euphemistically called 'rejuvenation'). He's a manly, robust, healthy grower. His flowers are blood red and semi-double, born in large clusters - they form beautiful red hips late in the season. But I've always complained rudely about his ramrod stiff, non-compliant canes. The trouble is that I bought him (well, specifically two of him) to cover a large rose archway, many years ago, and he simply will not bend to my wishes!

Parkdirektor Riggers Rose - Early Days
Pruning neglect, added to the impossible expectations of the rose grower (me), are definitely causing the problem here. I mean, Parkdirektor Riggers is fully entitled to grow naturally the way he sees fit. So, left to his own devices for three years, his flowers are now (obviously) sky-high, and I can hardly see them. Then his long straight canes stick out in all directions. I can't even imagine a pergola being suitable accommodation. And what else can I expect?
So silly to get the pip with a climbing rose that is ill-matched to the curved structure I've provided. Vigorous and robust he is, that's for sure. I do wonder if his namesake (the director where rose breeder Kordes worked) was a stiff, upright, unbending military chap...

Parkdirektor Riggers Roses
Fragrant? Alas, not for my nose, not even slightly. But those huge clusters of red roses are very beautiful. I do hope the rejuvenation works OK.
Regarding fitting a square peg into a round hole, rose-wise. A reputable rose nursery which I went to in person recommended Parkdirektor Riggers as suitable to grow over a big archway. He was in stock, I bought him, they lied!