Alchymist Rose

Alchymist Rose
'Puzzling' has been the word for the climbing rose on Archway Number 6 in the orchard. It was never recorded properly in my journal, and looked a bit like Abraham Darby when it was small. So that's what I called it back then. But no. I know better now. It's the Kordes bred modern climber Alchymist.
It's a healthy climber, with blooms a curious mixture of colours. Some are creamy yellow, while others on the same stem can be blushing apricot. A blousy flopper of a rose with full, old-rose style flowers, it doesn't repeat. But this is OK, and all its rose-energy can be concentrated into one magical flowering season.
My gardening journal tells of me buying an Alchymist in 2010. I'd always wanted one for the orchard, being attracted by the name and the old-fashioned look. I used the spelling 'Alchemist', and my intention was to plant it on one of the archways in the Hazelnut Orchard. Then I started naming it incorrectly. Oops.
I've checked other Google images and the strange mixture of flower colours is right, as is the height after four years. It's lightly fragrant, too,
So that's that, then. Alchymist is the rose in these beautiful flower photographs. The mix of flower colour has a truly magical impact. Enjoy!