Helen Dillon's Garden Book
No paving stone is left unturned, no down-to-earth question unanswered in Helen Dillon's Garden Book, written in 2006. It's packed full of every 'this and that' of gardening. Information, ideas, and memories squash snugly together like plants in a mixed border. And the author's favourites provide good horticultural company.

Helen Dillon's Garden Book
Mistakes, developments...
The small, stand-alone chapters cover the field - chatty topics include Helen Dillon's early gardening mistakes, the behaviour of naughty garden visitors, and her latest garden developments. Plants, too get their own pages - tulips, top ten trees, silver leaved plants are but a few - and she has good advice on garden maintenance.
Advice for Mature Gardeners
Helen Dillon has gardened for years, and her garden has never stood still for long. 'The older one gets, the more serenity is needed' is her advice to the more mature gardener. Hee hee...
Her comments about my favourite New Zealand native plants interested me - first she fell madly in love, then found that in the 'low winter Irish light.... coloured Phormiums gave too much of a jolt', and that red Cordylines looked 'too tropical'.