Stumpy Garden Paths
Digging of the Stumpy Garden was completed in the year 2003, and a network of delightful little winding paths has taken shape over the following years. They wriggle happily through the rhododendrons near the water.

Stumpy Garden Path Entrance
Small beginnings - the very first Stumpy Garden path was modest, and merely connected the back lawn with the big sprouting willow stump by the water's edge. Large Nicotiana Sylvestris plants grew energetically, their tall bulky stems and large green leaves often blocking the path. I planted tussock grasses and placed my usual stones along the path edges. My bargain bin rhododendrons went in on one side, and my rescued roses on the other. Phormiums filled up the gaps.

Green Chair and Original Path - 2003
This path's early destination was a sage green plastic bucket seat - not very chic, but oh so functional (easy to keep clean) and comfortable. I chained it to a post by the willow stump to stop it blowing away.
The building of Willow Bridge over the water race opened up the Stumpy Garden, allowing direct routes to new garden seats (the green plastic chair didn't last long) and the nearby lawns. The original path still wiggled around the brown tussocks to the big lawn, and I planted a row of standard Blushing Pink Iceberg roses along its edge. I then pushed on from the bridge, through the rhododendron garden, to a trio of blue wooden garden seats sitting in their little enclosed lawn
.One final path cut the rather large and shapeless garden border in half, passing underneath an Oak tree and through two standard flowering Choisya shrubs. Like the other paths it was edged with river stones. And - like some of the other paths in my garden - it was decommissioned, as the shrubs grew too big and bulky. There's simply no way through there now.

Another Stumpy Garden Path
A few errant shrubs have had to be shifted or pruned slightly, and the big species Phormiums (and Gunnera leaves) can be a nuisance, but the paths still work really well. And best of all - they make sense. Well, they do to me, anyway!

Rusty and the Stumpy Garden Path