Willow Stump
If you have a garden built around you, and you are big, it only seems polite to have a close-up photograph. This is the willow tree stump, in all its winter glory. Someone (me) has been experimenting with some wood, and Fluff-Fluff the cat has decided this is a good spot. But it looks cold. Brr....

Winter Cat in the Willow Stump
This photograph below was taken ages ago in the year 2004, in summer, before Non-Gardening Partner was instructed to tidy up the stump.

Stumpy Willow
Update - June 2011
Great news - the Willow stump might be getting a facelift. Or, to be more specific, a garden feature might be built in it. I'm calling it a tree house, but initially the stump will support a viewing platform, approached by steps up to a short walkway. It's not for sleeping, but for sitting, drinking coffee and reading. The platform will stick out a tiny way over the flowing water, and will be enclosed by a railing.

Willow Stump - Site of My Tree House
Now I have to keep encouraging Non-Gardening Partner who says he's 'thinking about it'. That's a whole lot better than saying 'Humph'...
I'm sorry to say that he didn't come up with a design - it was too impractical, it wouldn't work, it wouldn't be safe or stable enough, and so on. I still think about it from time to time. Oh well. Never mind. A rather nice (if a little silly) idea...