Small and slow...

My Most Beautiful Dahlia
Many things I do in my garden involve shifting heavy loads and doing lots of plodding here, there, and everywhere. The tasks are easy in theory, but they're big. I am small and slow, and my mind plays tricks on me :
Clean it up tomorrow...
'You don't need to clean that up. Just leave it there. Clean it up tomorrow. You've worked sooooo hard today...
Thursday 18th January
Did more Phormium chopping, slicing down the bulk of the latest victim (a green cookianum species). It took me another two hours. So much mess - feel naughty, but have left it there.
I will sort it out, I promise. Have one more hour before there's a cricket match I want to watch. One hour should be heaps of time. Yes?
I cleaned it all up! And I have exciting news - on the way home from watering Daughter's garden we called into the hardware store. I randomly bought nine little test pots of paint for the garden gnomes. New clothes! New faces! Yeay!

My Cricketers
Non-Gardening Partner thinks that my cricketers could do with a spruce up too. I'm not so keen. The gnomes come first, I reckon.
Friday 19th January
No way. It's thirty-three degrees at the airport (15km away from us). The wind is gusting and it's super sunny.

Sunburnt Gunnera Leaf
I don't think even working in the water race is a good idea. Think I'm going to have an in-house day.
Later, mid-afternoon...
Humph. Have started the watering of the fence-line roses in the Allotment Garden - rose by rose, soaking them at ground level. Buff Beauty is first to get the treatment.

Buff Beauty Roses
Oh no! Another Phormium (by Middle Bridge) needs chopping down. It's been getting noticeably bigger and more sprawly for a few years now, and I've been unwisely ignoring it. But do I feel like getting into the water race with my puny breadknife to starting this big task? Possibly not? Maybe I could? Indecision strikes.
Two hours later...
Oh yes. I did it. Started on the Phormium, also sliced down ferns and Carexes. Flung my mess out onto the lawn and left it there. But I am so pleased I did some garden work. Just a little, every day - surely it all adds up? Even if I am small and slow. Hey, wait a minute - I love being small and slow!