My dogs are rude...

My dogs are rude...
Have just walked around with the dogs to take some autumn tree photographs. And what did I find on the Frisbee Lawn? Yet another disgusting 'thing' that the dogs must have burgled from next-door and stashed under a hedge for future chewing. Aargh!
I am super vigilant, checking the lawns each day, then - oops - I relax. A few days later and Kapow! Yet another large piece of rubbish to be picked up and carted off to the bin. And two stinky black and grey collie dogs who look so innocent Us? It wasn't us! Gross.
No rude photographs allowed. Only autumn leaves, thank you (see below). After this rather down-to-earth start to my garden day I need a strong hot coffee! And a list, which I will present in a paragraph so it isn't too scary :
A list for today...
I need to trim more dahlias - there are lots and lots of wilted dead dahlias to trim. I need to bring in the firewood from underneath the Leyland hedge. This means I am looking forwards and being proactive. Then I will spend more time in the middle of the Hump Garden. There are plants that need shifting. I will at least dig them up. And while I do all this I will keep an eagle eye on my dogs. If one of them sneaks off I will follow silently.
Later, lunchtime...
Have been working hard. The dogs stayed close by me but barked a lot, warning me of cars driving up and down next door's drive. I guess if barking really annoyed me I wouldn't have dogs, right? Anyway, we have come inside for some noiseless thinking.
And here's what I've thought. It's self-reflection, sorry about this. That I am very good at blasting through one task, but not so good at sorting out any random add-ons.

Cat and Dog
This morning I've trimmed and carted away three barrowfuls of dahlias, as planned. I even sat down and started weeding out the Periwinkle and Lamium. But then I dug up a rose (maybe Just Joey), two large daylily clumps (one is Stella D'Oro), some Agapanthus, and some dahlias. So these need potting up.
Ignore those dogs!
So now I need to return outside immediately, ignore those noisy dogs, and do just it. Why I had to come inside in the first place and write all this down beats me!