Too hot...

Fuchsia Eva Borge
So February has arrived with a blast of hot, hot air, temperatures in the low thirties. Good jigsaw and book reading weather. Difficult to do much enjoyable gardening. Just too hot.
Thursday 2nd February
Too hot to do any gardening. Too hot for the fuchsias in their (well-watered) pots on the patio. Too hot to even do much garden-thinking.
Path problem unresolved...
So my problem with the paths in the Hump Garden is unresolved - still don't know what to do, or what not to do. Can't really make any decisions until the area is well cleared of its over-supply of self-seeding plants (and weeds).
Friday 3rd February
Another hot day. Lots of intense, direct sun on the Hump Garden, so have cleared two barrowfuls of stuff from the house gardens instead, dumping the mess behind the pond.

Buster the Cat
Trundled past black Buster on the pond decking table, and then spied Speckles my stray cat lounging on the cottage verandah. Sat down to say hello to him - for an instant he forgot his wild status, and rolled over to show me his tummy. Aargh! Immediately leapt back to his sitting, vigilant, on-guard position. 'Silly cat' I told him. 'I wouldn't dream of touching your beautiful tangerine coloured tummy.'

Mary Roses
So it's only 10am but I'm back in the house with my jigsaw and book. Lots of noisy blowflies are zooming around - blast! And I do mean blast...

New Clothes Needed!
Later, 6pm...
Crikey! The temperature is still thirty three degrees Celsius. This is too hot for me and my garden. Have only managed one more barrow of trimmings.
No more plans...
No more plans for today, apart from enjoying the air-conditioning and struggling to make sense of the last Harry Potter book. Am wondering why I'm bothering...
Saturday 4th February
And so this semi-mini-heatwave (that's what I'm calling it) continues. The big irrigation ran last night - oh so good. Couldn't sleep very well, but enjoyed listening to the whooshing of the water. Have put the little hoses on to water the Allotment Garden, and am off to a ballet rehearsal.
Raked some vegetative mess out of the pond, dumped it on the pond path near the grubbiest gnome - a large chap who lurks in the Agapanthus by Pond Cottage. Oops. Think it's time for new clothes. Was tempted to go for a swim.
Came inside instead and finished the last Harry Potter book. Maybe epic in concept but not in actual content - very confused writing, in my opinion. But of course I could have been influenced by the heat...