Autumn leaves days...

Golden Carpet on the Driveway
So many wonderful autumn leaves days. Such beautiful colours. Am very, very blessed. What a beautiful autumn garden I have! Yeay for me, planting all those deciduous trees, all those years ago...
Sunday 16th April
Have started a bit of a dig in the middle of the Hump Garden. Memo to self : summer Phlox and a striped Miscanthus grass need to come out, and plus possibly a small tree (not sure about this). I've weeded lots and have identified several roses which aren't getting adequate sunshine.
Pulled out rogue pieces of Lamium, then found some remains of a nasty, naughty grass growing through the Scropohularia. Trimmed the stalks off this lovely perennial, will dig up its bottom bits tomorrow and clean off any nasty trickster grass roots.
Monday 17th April
I promised I would finish that bit of garden digging and organising today. I have already picked up three bags of horse manure to spread around.
Eat more nuts and berries...
But first, a cafe breakfast with a friend. Daughter, recently visiting, had brought a book on aging. Hmmm... At first I was a bit suspicious of her motives. But no - it wasn't for me! Phew!

So I skim-read it. Apparently diet, music, dancing, exercise (which includes gardening), and keeping in touch with friends are all important. Personal conclusions : I should eat more nuts and berries. I can do that. And make the effort to stay in contact with my friends. I can do that too. I do all the other stuff.

Seafoam Rose
Have come inside for a cup of tea and a recharge. The Scrophularia is dug up, divided, rejuvenated, and replanted. Hopefully all of the nasty grass has been dug up, too. Maybe not, but most of it. I have to find a roomier place to replant the dug-up Miscanthus. And I now have to deal to a rose planted in the silliest of places - a rambler, thorny, long canes with slimline rose hips, pinky white flowers. Pretty sure it's Seafoam.
Allow me to quote a local nursery : 'Masses of repeat blooming, creamy white double flowers, with soft blush tones. Vigorous trailing habit with glossy foliage, making it one of the best varieties for a cascade look. Great for landscaping.' So I've positioned it to cascade and trail vigorously over an important path. Typical!
All done. Horse manure (very wormy) spread over newly dug garden. One rose shifted out of the shade, replanted nearer the path. The Miscanthus grass planted deeper in the garden, the rambler pruned down and dug out.

Scarlet Oak Tree
Lots of work for very little visual reward, but hey! Proud to be so well organised. Loving my autumn garden.