More rain...
More rain. More puddles, on the driveway, in the low parts of the lawns, in the paddocks. And the ground is already quite saturated. But I am lucky to have free-draining soil, yes?

The Back Lawn
So the story of July 2022 in my garden continues its soggy theme. Almost each day there's more rain - 212ml so far, a record, and still increasing.

The Front Lawn
Too wet for gardening...
It's just been too wet for gardening. Not too wet for walking around with the dogs, though. And guess what? I could clean out my glass-house. But the log-burner in the house is so cosy, with a detective story and a cup of coffee on one side and a snoozing Fred cat exposing his beautiful caramel coloured tummy on the other. Like Fred I could easily fall slightly asleep.
So there've been no outdoors plans, really, apart from dog-walking. Indoors there's the jigsaw, the piano, music arranging, a pile of library books, mid-summery hiking videos on Youtube (the wilderness areas in the USA are a great destination). The winter garden, drenched in wonderful water, has been waiting patiently for my return.
A few days later...
My goodness, so much more rain, though precipitation has eased slightly overnight. This morning I'm off swimming and playing chamber music. Here's an idea : that when I return, all the puddles will have drained and my garden won't be too wet to work in. Ha ha.

Wet Dog Walking
So July is nearly over, and it's been the rainiest July I can remember. When it's not been raining it's been drizzling. And pretty much my worst July ever, as far as hours spent in the garden. On the rare drier days the garden vegetation has still been dripping wet. Sorry, July.

Takanini Camellia
A soggy mind...
Funny how rain soaks into the mind as well as the garden. It's been perfect weather to clean out the glass-house, for example. But I haven't. I could have been taking loads and loads of atmospheric photographs. Nope. In my defence, I have been starting most days wearing my shabbiest gardening jeans, just in case. And then (possibly) offending my friends when I turn up for lunch at a cafe without changing. And here's another point. So it's not been too wet to go out to a cafe?
And my final thought. Whatever happened to that intrepid four-seasons gardener who used to live here? She must have transformed into water molecules and drained away into the river gravels below.

The Koru Brick Courtyard