Gum tree mess

Gum Tree
I can't remember having so much gum tree mess on my gardens, lawns, and paths before. Huge pieces of bark, clumps of leaves, branches big and small... I need some help to do a massive clean up. I'm actually not sure I can do this on my own...
Stop right there! Of course I can. I have a wheelbarrow and two legs that work OK (even if my back is, unusually, a little sore today). I can do this. Let me say that again. I CAN DO THIS. But - oops - I'll need to start tomorrow, because today I'm going swimming, playing music, socialising, visiting my family, and then going to a choir rehearsal - as one does. On such an ordinary day. So much to do, so little time, hee hee.
Thursday 31st March
My back is still a bit sore, so have been wandering around slowly with the dogs. Not so successful. First my camera battery ran out. Blast. Then stopped underneath a whistling bell-bird - such a beautiful song. 'Stay there, bird!' I shouted, and went to get my phone to do a sound recording. And did he stay? No way! A couple of whoops, then a perfect fifth followed by a descending perfect octave bird. A wonderful, pure toned song.

This afternoon I'm going to a cricket match with my friends (South Africa playing England in the semi-final of the Women's 50-50 World Cup). The game will last maybe seven hours, maybe more. Pretty naughty, really - that's seven hours of good gardening lost. Have promised my garden I will pick up three loads of gum mess before I leave. Can't really leave the leaves!

Gum Leaves on Driveway
Friday 1st April
I really enjoyed the cricket, though I did write one sneaky list. Here it is :
- Clear pond paths.
- Dig out Sally Holmes roses from driveway corner.
- Put on waders and clear water-side dog-paths by the water race.
Should keep me going for a few long afternoons...

Maybe I'll do my gardening this afternoon, because it's drizzling. So I'm going for a swim first - still have a slightly sore back. It must be a gardening injury, though I have no idea when or how I did it. Lounging around for seven hours in a so-called sand-chair at the cricket doesn't seem to made it any worse.
The drizzle hung around, so I stayed inside and started reading an online library book. And then I found myself reading the epilogue. Strange - had little idea that I'd nearly finished it. So that was that really.