Shasta trimming...

Shasta Daisy Mess
It's time to start trimming the Shasta daisies. But didn't I just do this, a wee while ago? What on earth has happened to all those months in between? Aargh! Time is getting faster, I'm getting older...
Every year!
The Shasta daisies take me by surprise every year, when they need trimming. Of all the repetitive tasks I do, this rather mindless task tricks me every time. It's as if all the Shasta trimming sessions have been lined up end to end in my gardening memory, for my pleasure. Or not!
So today I collected three barrow loads of Shastas, all from the garden border which runs along the water race. Very leisurely, very easy. I remembered how excited I always am when they start flowering. Quite handy, that!
Seasonal thoughts...
And I did quite a lot of garden thinking : about the repetitive tasks I do every year, and the changing seasons. Gardeners do that a lot, often when they're being lazy inside reading books or doing jigsaws. Oops.
The approach of autumn...
Trimming the Shastas is my garden's indicator of the approach of autumn. Their glorious whiteness has stood out under the harsh summer sun. They've stood tall, put on their brilliant, uncompromising show, then flopped over demurely to take a bow.

Floppy Shasta Daisies
Clear the stage! Clear the stage! That's me, the gardening stage manager, my autumn leaf rake waiting in the wings. Prepare for the next act! Cue some leaf fall from my deciduous trees and smoke from the autumn bonfire. The autumn clean-up of the giant Gunnera leaves and stalks is just warming up. The garden show must go on.

It's Shasta Daisy Time!