Good winter's morning...
A good winter's morning to my garden, my gardening journal, and my cats and dogs. You will not see me this morning - I am woofing and plonking. Let me explain. My friend and I (two enthusiastic, mature musicians) are playing chamber music - flute sonatas by Bach and Poulenc.

Good Morning Buster the Cat
And then - oh happy day! I go to get my first Covid vaccine. I promise that when I get home I will do doggish things (may even woof a bit). I will definitely plonk my new plants in the Jelly Bean Border. Hee hee.

New Azalea
Much later, dusk...
So the new Jelly Bean Border plants are in, plus just one Snowball Viburnum shifted from the Welcome Garden. But heck! It took me over two hours just to dig planting holes, plant, stomp around the edges, and water five shrubs. Too slow! I could never do planting work for the council. But then I remembered I spent ten minutes repairing my dog fence on the boundary. And I raked leaves for another ten minutes.
By the way...
By the way, the vaccine was easy as, but the Poulenc was a fiasco! Plonk is the right word to describe my efforts. My fingers couldn't find the notes, and I totally misread all his augmented triads. Have promised to practice.
Saturday 5th June
My first thought on waking up - fifty dollars is left on my voucher. So I could buy some more Azaleas. Hmm... Hope they do well in the Jelly Bean Border border. A mass planting of little Azaleas in a big garden border - nice, as long as I tip in lots of organic matter and keep the Viburnum suckers trimmed to the ground.
Animal News
Winnie the dog :
- Winnie is a very patient patient!.
It's now twelve days since Winnie's cruciate ligament operation, and she is settled into her recovery routine. Finding THE appropriate place to toilet takes a long time, though. She winds her retractable leash in and out, around shrubs and trees, trying to find a private place. Darling dog!
Fred the cat :
- My two Fred cats (Black and Red) are not to be trusted - they've been doing a bit of fighting lately.
Black Fred's tummy wounds are well healed. But now I think Red Fred has a small health issue - looks like an abscess on his cheek. He's been snoozing in the spare bedroom for a couple of days, seems a little off colour. But still eating well. Please not another vet visit!
Monday 7th June
Another drizzly day, like yesterday, and it's a public holiday, so Non-Gardening Partner is at home. Unfortunately it's too wet outside for any organised garden maintenance - chain-sawing, carting rubbish, raking leaves, and so on.

House Lawn in Early Winter
So we have been off to buy some more Azaleas. Just two more - modest me! Red ones. And I have bags of horse manure to spread, if I don't mind getting wet. But that drizzle is rather solid...

Site of New Azalea Garden
For the record, if ever I want to remember the new Azalea names, I have Scarlet Prince, Hardijzer Beauty, and Wards Red. And it's way too wet to plant them today. Sorry.