Almost a Weeping Maiden...

Golden Roses
Ooops. April should finish with me scurrying around with the leaf rake and the camera. Autumn leaves! But this April has limped to its end, rather like Winnie and her back leg - and me, who fell into (and I mean into) my garden, rather spectacularly, hurting my knee.
On the morning of the Winnie's vet visit I managed to fall into (I mean onto) the Septic Tank. I was poking the camera into the Weeping Maiden (a Camellia, flowing already, silly girl) when a rotten covering board gave way and half of me plunged down, landing with a thud on the concrete pad below. Ouch! The other half of me stayed up at ground level, all crumpled and bent.
Carefully unravelled my earth-side leg, and did that awful fingers-crossed mental body check. Phew! - nothing was broken. Then realised that I was stuck fast. Not a weeping Maiden, rather a giggling one. And not so much a maiden, I guess. Wriggled and jiggled for about five minutes trying to get out. Limped into the house feeling very foolish and sore. Grabbed the frozen peas, sat down, took a pill...

Weeping Maiden Camellia
Couldn't really walk my dogs properly for the next few days, so decided to use the time for knee rest and recovery, and to work on my music. All is well now, and the rotting Septic Tank cover has been replaced (a dozen gardeners can now bounce up and down on it in safety). That this should be the highlight of my gardening week says something for my lack of real garden work, though. Oops!

Spot the new retaining wall?
All I've done is fill in, slowly, the newly retained garden area lower in the Hump. I've been carting bags and bags of leaf mould and horse manure over, tipping them in, and I've planted one rambling rose by a post. Sadly, I've mulched my hammer (pretty silly, this). Nothing much else has happened. Oh, have just remembered - spent four hours splitting firewood with Non-Gardening Partner. All of this before my - ahem - garden accident.