Quasi-normal retail therapy for gardeners has resumed - for example, I can buy potting mix again. Moderation is required, though, in these odd times. Have been good. Have resisted ordering new online roses.
Potting up...
I've had a wonderfully productive glass-house day. I've used up four big bags of potting mix, and have potted up divisions of miniature Agapanthus (twenty medium sized pots), Phormium pieces, Daylilies, and some non-invasive Lamium which has a white flower. Took me ages - I seem to be an exceedingly slow potter-upper.

Flowering now - Toad Lilies
To end my day I collected one large load of trimmings - Macleya stalks and Aconites - from the garden just in front of the glass-house. The Toad lilies around the corner are flowering, and several hydrangeas still have the odd colourful bloom.

Late Flowering Hydrangeas
Naturally I've seen lots of things that need doing in the nearby gardens. This list contains a small sample.
- A huge trim of Crepuscule on pergola. The rose has sunk down, and if I forget to duck I bang my head. Ouch.
- Decide on the path below the glass-house. Should it stay or should it go?
- Rake Pond Paddock's oak leaves into bags.
- Watering Camellias in the Wattle Woods.
Little things mean a lot when living in semi-lockdown. My butcher's order arrived late this afternoon. Yeay! It was incredibly exciting. Silly.

My Glass-House
Online shopping...
I rather like this online shopping lark. All that time I used to waste can be redirected to, for example, piano practice. My latest Albeniz piece is called Triana : F# minor spiced up with dollops of double sharps.
Thursday 30th April
We are now allowed a double bubble, so to speak, so today my friend visited. A real person to talk to! We walked (carefully distanced) around the orchard with Pebbles the dog, then sat at opposite end of the patio table to have lunch. Funny old world.
Ignore that list!
I've ignored half my list. Now I've run out of potting mix and I'm sick of trimming Aconites. What's new? The hoses are on the Camellias again. That's not new! And Albeniz' Piece de Jour, Triana, rattles on apace. But I've raked and bagged lots of oak leaves, watering them to make handing easier. Ten large bags are full. Of course more leaves were fluttering gently down as I worked.
Ominous garden news...
Some rather ominous garden news. The fire ban comes off at midnight this Saturday. No, I won't be out there in the dark in my pyjamas, but guess what I should be doing first thing Sunday morning? Please rain, please rain on Sunday. I don't want that everlasting autumn bonfire to start up. That stinky bonfire that keeps on keeping on, flaming and smoking into winter, ash volcano growing and growing. Aargh!

Bags of Oak Leaves
Just bagged up even more oak leaves and took some photographs. I've had a grand gardening week.