
Jurys Yellow Camellias
Hee hee. A bit of old-fashioned recording in a real notebook! I'm copying this from my journal. Here goes : 'Lunchtime, the old school charm of a gardening notebook and a scribbly pencil. Dogs and cats watching the birds eating their banana and pasta (dogs hoping for spillage, cats checking for any bird who loses critical altitude). Me puzzling about avalanches...'
Explanation : have just watched a couple of scary Youtube videos of climbing expeditions on Annapurna. Me, a rather mature stay-at-home woman gardener, who has never climbed anything. Puzzling indeed.
Thursday 27th August
Forget scary mountains. I have been cleaning out the garden by the dog kennels, making lots of trips to the bonfire with dead Cordyline leaves, trimmings, gum leaves, and a dead rose (oops). I've pruned heaps of branches off a Viburnum which was showing up with that awful silver-leaf problem. I sprayed the rest of it with fungal spray and insect spray (hedging my bets, not knowing which or what causes the issue).

Minaiture Agapanthus Planted
Then I planted some miniature Agapanthus clumps along the stone edge by the kennels. Nice. This garden is sheltered from the frosts, so the Agapanthus won't succumb (like it did on the edge of the Hump Garden) and look unsightly. We can't have that!
Kneel very carefully...
My only problem - I was gardening in a favourite dog toilet. Had to kneel very carefully. Had to wear gloves. Later in the afternoon I burnt all the mess. Whoosh. Lots of flames. The dogs and I checked the sheep again. The sun shone down. What a superbly lovely day. Simple pleasures...

Nonie Haydon Camellia
More and more Camellias are now flowering. So lovely. But the white and cream ones come with a bit of a warning - in the time it takes to blink their flowers go brown. So I've included a reality Camellia picture below - after all, brown can be a beautiful colour as well, hee hee.

The Reality of Creamy White Camellias
And with respect to those avalanches on Annapurna - decided to channel my worries into a donation to the Himalayan Trust. Good idea. Stop worrying and do something small...