Never too old?
Aha! Life is filled with wonderful things : my little finger is no longer sore, I have the second cricket test to listen to on the radio, the garden's roses to enjoy, and memories of my successful Silver Swans performance in a ballet recital. One is never too old to dance on stage in pink chiffon, right?

Sally Holmes Roses
Hee hee. One is never too old to do anything silly. Like propping up a toy sheep (named 'sheep') on my lap while I'm reading in bed. Actually, sheep has indicated he isn't really inspired by detective stories, would like something a little more ovine...
But enough of this trivia. Thinking about the garden and how much is changing. New things happening, like the Phormiums flowering. Some stems are covered in honey bees trying to reach the nectar. The bellbirds drink this, and occasionally I see one high on the top of a waving stem.
The large old-fashioned climbing roses I bought years ago are flowering. I propped them up to grow against trees - that was my country style plan back then. Their names are lost, and their blooms are modest in density. Sweet fragrances, though, and quite a surprise when one looks up into a tree.

Old rose
And ch-ch-changes in garden habits : last month I was picking Aquilegias for the house vases, now I'm now trimming their seed-heads. Spent a couple of hours earlier today in the Garden around the Herb Spiral, which is full of Aquilegias.

In the hotter parts of the garden the shiny green Angelica is going to seed. Lupins and Foxgloves are almost finished, while the electric blue Delphiniums are the new vertical accents. Well, they're mostly vertical - anything that flops over in the wind gets picked for the house.
It's finally summer...
So it's definitely, finally summer. The gardening shorts (three pairs, no less) are in action. Just one Carol singing gig to go (touch wood). Lots of watering, weeding, and wandering around the garden. Lots of talking and walking with the dogs, and waiting patiently for the Fred cats. They want to come too, then always get left behind, and cry. Lots of taking photographs and dodging the bees. And lots of smiles.
Right. I need to put my little watering hoses on, make a cup of coffee, and contemplate another wonderful summer's day. What to do first? Definitely not housework! And maybe no strenuous gardenwork, either...