The BIG DIG...

Rescued Rose - Sundowner?
It's the day of the big dig - where Non-Gardening Partner helps me remove unwanted shrubs and plants from my friend's garden. If I don't take them they'll be put in a skip and dumped - an awful fate.
Do I need more plants?
But do I need more plants? Best not answer that. It's a plant rescue!
I've finished rough-digging the garden areas which will accommodate the new arrivals, and have loaded the car with shovels, spades, axes, loppers, saws etc. It's all a bit sad, really, and not the best time of year to shift things. I also worry for the local bees. Perhaps they need to move in here. I don't keep bees, but I'm feeding an awful lot! This is a bee friendly garden.
We're back...
Just as we arrived home the rain came pelting down. So I have a trailer full of wet Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Roses, Fuchsias, and so on, waiting to be planted or potted up. Daughter (an edible gardener, so to speak) took the three dwarf fruit trees, some New Zealand Cranberries and Blueberries. She'll do her very best to give them a good life.

Rescued Azaleas and Roses
I'm awfully stiff after all that digging (have to unfold really slowly when I stand up). So am going to take a pill and go to bed. Glad I've got the new rose border ready, and glad it's raining (my new lawn seed is getting well watered).

Thinking about the new plants. Might pop the bright pink Dianthus clumps in pots for the house patio. Tomorrow I'll sort it all out. Good night.
Monday November 11th
Except it's been raining most of today, so there's been no action on the replanting front. Have done a short wander with the dogs taking rose photographs. Enjoy!
And more rose news from my garden : the prettiest species rose is flowering in the Hump's rose garden, robustly flinging out long (and wet) arching canes over paths and neighbouring plants. Oops. It was shifted from its original position, will do some detective work in my old journals for an identification.

Rosa Woodsii Fendleri
Aha! I think it's Rosa Woodsii Fendleri. What do you think?