Oh dear...
So lovely. I have a singing frog by the pond to listen to at night. All night, if I open the cottage window. He is a brown tree frog. He will be a he, advertising loudly (as boys do) his readiness for frog-love.

The Pond - Spot the Tree Frog?
But - oh dear. Tree frogs are very easily confused, aurally. And this past weekend four chain-saws have been 'croaking' merrily, cutting up the firewood trees in The Hump. 'Darlings! Over here! Here I am, darlings!' Oops...
Tuesday 28th August
Today I spent four hours burning my trailer-load of bonfire mess. I also barrowed horse manure and mulch into the start of my new garden, along the start of my new path. This took absolutely ages, with very little ground covered to show for it. I only have ten bags of manure left, too - I need a truckload!

Mulch Piles
But it's rather lovely starting something big so slowly, knowing there can be no rush, just doing a little each day. And being sensible - preparing the ground first. Tomorrow the trailer will go back by The Hump and I'll fill it again with mess.
I love the Camellias flowering now. Jury's Yellow has such a mixed up style - beautiful creamy caramel flowers in their prime, accompanied by lots of buds and a number of disgracefully brown blooms. The deep pink Camellia by the house is now flowering, and the red rhododendrons are in full redness.

Cottage and red Rhododendron
Nonie Haydon is fluffing herself out, and the Roger Halls (manly yet modest red Camellias) in the Pond Paddock Gardens are flowering too.

Nonie Haydon Camellias
There's blossom everywhere (and a lot of self-sown Prunus tree-lings) and the first blue forget-me-nots, too. Can't forget the yellow Forsythia and Genista shrubs, as well as scattered yellow daffodils. Almost a spring garden, I reckon!
Dear Frog...
Dear Frog, Thank you so much for choosing my garden and pond in your search for a partner. Some words of advice : firstly, the dogs. They probably won't try and eat you, but still need to be avoided. The cats are much more slippery (sorry if that's a bit personal). Don't make any sharp, sudden movements - cat claws are lightning fast, and could easily snag an unsuspecting frog. Ouch! And you should forget all about those chain-saws - fickle, noisy, smelly creatures. Love, M.