Here, There, and Everywhere...
I've been working 'Here, There, and Everywhere' (such a beautiful Beatles song, this). It's the time when 'here, there, and everywhere' perennial Alkanet has to trimmed. And the pretty blue annual forget-me-nots are pulled out and used as mulch. And all through the garden the roses are amazing, with lots of little 'incidental' flower companions. So much to take photographs of. Yeay!

So the hoses have been on the new roses in The Hump, and I've shifted two more roses in ( a struggling Flower Carpet and Clair Matin). I've planted Sweet Peas by the pergola, and put some wire netting in for them to climb up. I've dealt to the edges around the Pergola Garden. This took ages - as pulling out Alkabet does! And one never, of course, pulls all the roots out anyway. But the bees will enjoy the autumn flower regrowth.
There are important things I didn't get done. Dare I make a list? Might as well.
- Plant Dahlias in the Hump. Just find a space.
- Plant tomatoes in pots on the patio.
- Try and finish pricking out seedlings.
- Planting out cornflowers by the Cottage.
OK. Bedtime. The House Rose (that's 'rose-ay') has kicked in rather nicely, and so I'm about to wobble over to Pond Cottage. I love my cottage. And Minimus, my cottage cat.

Minimus the Cottage Cat
Monday 5th November
Humph. I have a tiddley head cold, a bit annoying. The dogs seem rather attentive, as if they sense I'm running at half speed. And I probably am. So far today I've watered the new roses (as always), and trimmed the edges of the back house lawn gardens. Two barrowfuls of excess Alkanet and assorted weeds, so far. I'm wearing gloves - yesterday my fingers were badly stained from the Alkanet stems.

Monsieur Tillier Rose
Aha! Have done everything on that list. The Dahlias turned out to be fizzers - many had dried out. I pulled loads more forget-me-nots out, and bucketed water and potting mix on the new cottage plantings.
Tuesday 6th November
I'm soooooo happy! What head cold? Because today I have been on a day-trip, hiking in the hills up the Rakaia River. Everything (e.g. knees, hips) worked well for five hours - even the nose behaved. It's been an absolutely wonderful, amazingly marvellous day, and oh so simple. I am so blessed to be able to experience walking for pleasure and the excitement of journeying. And the best hiking company, with my lovely friend - our friendship is over fifty years old, hee hee.
But there's more! Afterwards, tired and proud, I drove home safely to a messy but welcoming house, two bored but instantly forgiving dogs, some organic wine, the evening meal cooking... I put my hoses on again, watching them showering precious water gently all over my new rose garden. And what a beautiful garden, with so many more beautiful roses flowering. Roses! Yeay! Blessed.
Thursday 7th November
So the next hiking trip is planned, and the next gardening days, too. Golly gosh, I have lots of things to do! And there is some weather magic afoot - later today the wind will change (best not be pulling a silly face, hee hee), the temperature will drop, and - hopefully - down will come some rain. But I'm watering anyway. Shifting roses so close to the start of summer, one has to be prepared for them to sulk, take ages to adjust, and/or die. Hmm.
Oh dear. I found Kathryn Morley, sulking and forlorn in the shade of the Pond Paddock Garden. Whipped her (just joking) out and plonked her into the water barrel. Dug the loveliest planting hole in The Hump. Hmm. Found half of her, munched, on the lawn. Pebbles the dog thought she was a stick (which she did rather resemble). Kathryn Morley, good luck with your location.
Just before the rain arrived I planted seedling Scabious and Cerinthe in the Pond Paddock Garden, and filled the wheelbarrow seven times with Alkanet and Forget-Me-Nots. Seven! Which is where this journal page began. Hmm...