It's been a lightweight gardening week - nice visitors, swimming, forest walks (with Winnie the young dog) and relaxing on garden seats reading detective stories, snacking on cherries and raspberries. Summer fruits - yum! Summer visitors - yeay! Summer days - nice and lazy!

Summer Visitors!
Some days I've only filled the wheel-barrow once, but hey! I've worked my way up the driveway trimming prunus suckers and aquilegias, and dead-heading roses. And I've been busy - oh so busy - positioning and re-positioning the watering hoses.
Rusty the Dog
Rusty the dog has been unwell. Over the week he's improved slowly, with antibiotics from the vet, and some 'delicate food' instructions. But this 'tummy bug' has really knocked the stuffing out of him. And he's now very stiff when he first emerges from his kennel.

Shifting the Firewood
On Wednesday I had to get tough with myself. No more visitors, so no more excuses. So I (well, more accurately 'we') shifted and stacked one trailer-load of firewood. This took all afternoon. Then came Thursday, a hot mid-summer day, the lawns and driveway littered with huge strips of Eucalyptus bark, and the start of a five day cricket test match to listen to on the radio. Easy to while away the summer hours, hee hee. Almost feels like I've been on holiday. And whenever it's been nicely overcast, I've taken some photographs for this journal, and posterity.
Rusty the dog - hmm. He seems to have much less energy and inclination to do anything. We haven't even been to the dog park. He's turned into an old dog overnight. But that's OK, I guess. Dogs, like people, are allowed slow down. We are going to the vet next week, anyway, for more blood tests. I am providing him with tasty, easily digested meals (cooked rice, minced chicken, and so on).