Evasion tactics...

Hello Miscanthus!
The weekend. There we were, Non-gardening Partner and I, discussing his trimming of the fastigate Oaks, which he hadn't finished properly. 'When does that Miscanthus finish?' he asked, pointing to a large ornamental grass shining in the sun. NGP, correctly identifying a Miscanthus? And interested in it? Evasion tactics, for sure!
He didn't fool me for a minute. After clearly indicating the next lot of branches which I thought could be lopped off the oaks, I escorted him down the drive to the Allotment Garden.
A proper fence?
I have been wondering about a proper fence, along which my rambling roses could ramble to their heart's content. An open trellis would be nice. Privacy from the neighbour's mess, etc.
A thought - would he like to take me to a country nursery which is closing down? There may be some flowering cherry trees which beg me to buy them. I'd love a few ornamental trees in the Allotment Garden. Maybe in here? And here? As well as a fence?

The Allotment Garden Last Spring
And so I rambled away, fully, descriptively, unemotionally, in my sweetest voice. I pointed to this, and explained why that needed fixing. My presentation was focused and well thought out. Then I thought I'd better get some feedback. Aargh! I'd been talking to nobody. Sensing that his Miscanthus ruse hadn't worked, Non-Gardening Partner had slipped away, out of harm's way.
Later, lunchtime...
The country nursery sale was hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.
Red Orach :
- A gardening (and singing) friend gave me some seeds of this gorgeous annual.
Anyway, I've done more weeding in the Allotment Garden - trimming all the Euphorbias and pulling out the red Orach, scattering the seeds all over the place. Red Orach, Atriplex hortensis, the annual of my dreams! You're gorgeous when you turn dull golden brown and die. Go, you beautiful plant, go forth and multiply.
I have also shifted and replanted a rose (Cornelia) so the hugely rampant white rambler (either Rambling Rector, or Seagull, or - eek - Kiftsgate) can have more space. I left the unknown recycled rambler in the middle of one garden section. So far it has behaved in a rather modest fashion, and before I shift it the rope swag will need to be lengthened. That's another job for NGP. So where exactly has he got to? Humph.

Recycled Allotment Rose - Flowering Now
Now the plan is a little more modular. I need to shift some large logs into the Hump (to edge the path). Then I will bring out a load of dry rubbish (mainly from the gum trees) and take it to the bonfire. I will mix this with my slightly wetter trimmings. The bonfire will burn merrily until all the logs are in their new place. Then I might investigate using a hoe on the carpet of tiny Welcome Garden weeds. You see, there is always much to do, when one looks around.
Gone Flying!
Aha! Now I've worked it out. NGP has escaped to go flying in his own tiddly little plane - far too tiddly for me to have the nerve to accompany him. So the fastigate oaks live to fight (i.e. spread out sideways) another day, while the Allotment Garden holds it breath and contemplates being over-run by rampant ramblers...