It is a good morning...
Good morning. And it is a good morning. A light is flickering at the end of the tunnel that is my nasty head-cold. I have stopped going back to bed and sulking therein. I am going outside, to reintegrate myself into the garden and cough all over the weeds.
Tuesday 23rd July
Things are going quite well, so far. I've read some groovy Australian gardening magazines (they're called Burke's Backyard, and are to be recommended). I've drunk and half-enjoyed a cup of hot coffee - the first for days. I've sat on Pond Cottage's verandah with Minimus the cat and made a mental list of things to be happy about (I've got six items, so far).

Pond and Cottage
I've been down to the hay barn to feed my bouncy, smoochy Lilli-Puss. And now I'm going to take my dog and my camera around the garden to see if I can add more things to that list. Back soon.
Yippee! Baby steps, baby steps... I've taken lots of photographs (this involved finding my camera first, which was quite alarming). I've done over an hour's good gardening, weeding in the Wattle Woods near the beautiful pink Camellia. And now I might have a wee lie down, because I feel a bit dozy and my feet are a bit cold. Fair enough? Oh, before I forget...
My Six Things to be Happy About
- My garden gnomes. They look so cute in winter...
- The beautiful pink Camellia in the back of the Wattle Woods.
- The Wattle trees in flower, so yellow.
- My spring bulbs flowering in pots.
- Minimus my cottage cat smiling at me. It's true! She smiles.
- The new lambs and their mothers - yet another lovely symbol of spring.

Six Things to be Happy About
And can I give one huge collective thank you to all my other cats - for persevering and insisting on sitting on me, even when I'm coughing and spluttering. And thanks to my dog for being amazingly undemanding. It's as if he understands. And Non-Gardening Partner has been bringing home nectarines from California, and my favourite fizzy fruit drinks full of vitamin C.

An Hour Later...
Ha! I went back gardening, because I feel better when I'm doing something. And then Rusty the dog (to whom I am very grateful) and I went for a leisurely and long walk down the road. We got well and truly caught in the rain when we were a long way from home, but at least it wasn't too cold. And we had a chance to spend some quality time together. Thanks, Rusty.
Right. Time to feed my cats. Hello, Fluff-Fluff, heaviest and fluffiest of cats, and no - you can't sit on my computer keyboard. Then I'm going to look at my photographs. I must say - I've so enjoyed writing up my journal today, and I'm even having a small glass of wine.
And did I mention that this morning I actually ironed my gardening shirt before putting it on? And tomorrow morning I'm going out - I'm meeting my friends for morning coffee and sushi. Yum...
Goodness me. The light is definitely visible at the end of the tunnel. Cheers!