Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from me. All the best for this festive season : eat and drink wisely, and have lots of happy fun times. If anything gets you down, just beam, nod wisely, and give thanks. It seems to work!

Merry Christmas fron the Moosey Head Gardener
I've got a few people to send special Christmas greetings to. Firstly, Merry Christmas to the nice boy-racer who let me into the car queue in front of him, helping me to exit the pre-Christmas supermarket car park. Legend! Merry Christmas to my friends who always help me believe I'm a nice person. Merry Christmas to my Facebook and Moosey web-site friends who support and encourage me in my gardening and my garden-writing. Merry Christmas to my family. And a special Christmas greeting to Non-Gardening Partner who (usually) goes along with every semi-silly thing I want to do.
The Cats...
Merry Christmas to my cats. Ginger Percy - you've lived with your Feline Aids diagnosis for a year now, and kept in good health. Well done, dear cat. Young Minimus, thank you for being my faithful cottage cat. Lilli-Puss, you've provided some great gardening company. Tiger and Histeria - thanks for your company on the TV couch. And last but not least, big Fluff-Fluff - thanks for always being there.
And the Dog...
Merry Christmas to Rusty the dog. I know you think that I'm boring, and gardening is boring, and playing the piano is boring, and everything I do is boring. But then I give you a dog biscuit, and we go for a walk to talk over the meaning of life. Boring? I don't think so...

Images of Christmas 2014
I'm so lucky. It's been a grand gardening year. Prosperous? Not exactly. Soul-satisfying? Oh, yes. Cheers, M.