Dear April...

Scarlet Red Oak
Dear April,
Thank you so much for being such a groovy month. You've certainly been my best April for a while. All that lovely sunshine, and you've allowed the lawns to go green again. And your trees! Thanks for the beautifully coloured leaves to feast on and take squillions of photographs of. You've left me wondering and marvelling once again about the magic of the seasons.
Yours in appreciation,
Tuesday 30th April
Exciting news - I've just discovered that my new camera (a Fuji something-or-other) takes better quality videos than my proper video recorder. Hmm... Perhaps an autumn trees series, so I can show off your red-leafed Dogwoods and Maples? Or some action videos of my dog swimming in the pond? That would be rather nice.
Not to mention all those delicious golds - creme brulee, pale English custard... Yum! Except I'd better get onto it before all the leaves blow down. Autumn doesn't last forever.

The Island Bed in Autumn
I've been rather lazy taking 'proper' videos - they've required deliberate planning, appropriate lighting, creative inspiration, me knowing what I want to say, and so on. Whereas I usually have my camera on or near me, often hanging precariously in a tree. Silly - I've almost lost it at least six times. But I've never left it outside in the rain. Yet.

Cottage Gnome
I Am Going to Make Some Videos!
Anyway, to celebrate the end of April I'm going to take some short videos of interest - things like my two bright orange river pumps which rotate slowly and surely, maybe the yellow leaves down my driveway, and my dog. I can make gushing comments about autumn and the lovely colours. Groovy! I will enjoy this.
Silly thought. How about an instructional video on how to divide and replant a huge clump of Agapanthus? Better still, how about just going outside and doing it? I'm planting them all in the corner garden of the Frisbee Lawn.
Four Hours Later...
No. I didn't feel like planting the Agapanthus - I had a much more interesting task. The pond paths have been rather messy, blocked here and there with bags of leaf mulch, so I spent ages raking them, tidying the Phormiums, and checking on my gnomes. A few of the little lighter chaps had face-planted themselves in the dirt (probably knocked over by Rusty the dog). One of the fishermen had lost his fishing rod, which I duly replaced. No problems!

Garden Gnomes by the Pond
I've taken some daft gnome videos, but I seriously wonder if anyone will want to look at them. And I've burnt all the pond path rubbish on the autumn bonfire without smoking out my house.

Garden Gnomes
Thanks again, April. You finished yourself off rather nicely with a day of rain and a nippy overnighter of one degree Celsius, an almost-frost. Brr.... but that's OK - you're allowed! Now let's hope I can 'get teckie' and upload these videos! As a test, click on this river pump link and see what you can see! Wish me luck...