Out, out, gorse seedling!

Nicotiana Sylvestris
Gorse seedlings are weeded out. Rhododendrons are planted, and the local nursery bargain bin is visited and revisited. We lose the cricket.
Sunday 6th February
I am back at work, so no midweek gardening. I have decided that Nicotiana Sylvestris is top of my top ten plants over all seasons. CRISIS!!! They have nearly all been blown down by horrible noisy nor-west wind. All the Heritage (a David Austin) roses are weak, spindly, and rusty. Thanks a bunch, New Dawn. Those Heritages can get shifted way out back and planted along a paddock fence-line.
Saturday 12th February
It's thirty one degrees today! I raided the bargain bin at the nursery and came away with a trailerful of plants - deals like 10 assorted unnamed big rhododendrons for $50, assorted shrubs 10 for $30, etc. I will plant stuff tomorrow. It is too hot.

Glass-House Cuttings
Sunday 13th February
I planted stuff (lots). The two Spireae have expired overnight from lack of water. This is far too fussy. They can't be tough enough for my watering regime and/or climate. They have been soaked in the water race (if they are dead, too bad).
Saturday 19th February
We suck at cricket. The Aussies are here and we are going DOWN DOWN DOWN. Today I have potted up assorted cuttings. I have left my cricket radio in the glass-house to show my disgust and have come in to watch the telly. There are too many weeds (it's rained a lot this week). My vege garden is a disgrace. So are the batsmen in the N.Z. cricket team. I will go out later when the sun is less intense.
Sunday 20th February
Today I discovered all the little gorse seedlings that have germinated in my borders over the water race. I know that this will happen - there are 100 years' worth of gorse seedlings waiting to surprise me. Oh boy! I remind myself that I quite enjoy weeding. I planted some red flowering cannas that I got from the bargain bin. Red looks fabulous in a big country garden. Even red dahlias, which I hated as a townie, look just great out here. I love my garden.

Red Canna in Middle Border
Saturday 26th February
Today it has been drizzling. I walked around the garden and everything seemed to be too droopy, with too much water. And all the magenta lychnises have gone totally to seed - they are definitely past their use-by date. And we suck at cricket - AGAIN!!!! Tomorrow I will kick some gorse seedling butt and start clearing the rubbish out from around the Plank. Might think about a wee orchard there. Hmmmm...

New Rhododendrons and a Berberis
Sunday 27th February
The lady in the nursery where I go for the bargain bin has saved for me twelve slightly scruffy roses. There are some nice ones, including Fruhlinsmorgen (which I haven't got), another Penelope, two Redcoats, some rugosas and a couple of Monsieur Tillier roses. There's also a David Austin Golden Celebration (my favourite rose).
I've just spent four hours planting the last of last week's trailer load of rhododendrons etc. in Middle Border. I am a very lucky person. Now I have a good excuse to dig the rugosa border even bigger!