Wood Shed Rambler
My Wood Shed is on the top lawn. A rambling rose covers the sunny sides and the roof of the shed with apple blossom pink flowers in late spring. Here is one of its latest photographs.

The Woodshed Rambler Rose
This rose arrived with the wrong label, so I never knew its name. I bought it from a local gardener, who thought it was Cornelia. Sorry, but no! Cornelia is much more modest! I've ended up calling it the Woodshed rambler.
Lucky Me...
Lucky me - I'm glad I inadvertently planted it in a sensible place. Very quickly it covered the wood shed roof and now hangs down alarmingly on all sides.

Rambling Rose - Summer 2006
By the summer of 2006 two other nearby climbers (a creamy white and a cherry pink) were able to muscle their way up to the woodshed roof and join in. what a beautiful sight!

Rambling Rose - summer 2003
Below is a much earlier photograph, showing that the pink rambler was busy and healthy in growth even then.

rambling rose - summer 2000
The arching, thorny rose canes can make lawn mowing rather hazardous here on the back lawn - sweet rambling rose revenge!
Some good news - a friend has suggested this is Paul Transon, and I'm inclined to believe her. You see, remembering back, that local rose sale did have some Paul Transons. So what do you think?

Pink Woodshed Rambler - Paul Transon?
Update : 2021. Sorry, but Paul just had to come down. He was a shadow of his former self. Here's the bloke responsible...

Attacking the Dead Rose