Garden Rose Pergola
The Pergola with its resident roses has been a real success. It forms part of a natural walkway from the back of the house over Middle Bridge, leading to the water race gardens and the Hazelnut Tree Orchard.

Crepuscule Rose on the Pergola
I planted a pair of the orange-apricot Crepuscules at the corners nearest the house. Crepuscule is thornless and has beautiful new red foliage growth. Then a rich red climber (Santana) and a lemon climber called Casino were planted at the other corners near the bridge over the water race.

Pergola Rose - Summer 2005
Earlier I had tried the lilac pink Lavender Lassie, which you'll see in the archive photograph below. But on a garden visit to Flaxmere I met Crepuscule, and was instantly in love. So Lavender Lassie moved around the corner to sprawl up an apple tree. One summer I planted dark blue sweet peas (extremely fragrant and long flowering) here to climb through the rose canes. Walking through the pergola was a very fragrant experience.

Santana and Casino on the Rose Pergola
One of the Crepuscules was damaged in a snow storm and over the succeeding year wasted away. Finally it had to be chopped down at the base. But this gave more room to Casino, the beautiful lemon climbing rose on that side. I was given a couple of special Clematis plants and they, too have been encouraged to adorn the Pergola. But I often forget to grow more sweet peas here. Blast! Must put that on my list...

Roses in the Back Garden
Plantings along the garden fence towards the pergola have changed over the years. Things were very simple in the beginning, and apart from daffodils and dahlias there were few major gardening statements. But then things changed. A large chunk of the old fence was removed, and I managed to finally get rid of rogue raspberry canes and the thuggish Mermaid rose. I wonder who planted them here along the old fence line? Oops.

Archive Photographs of the Pergola - 1998