
Time for some honesty (not the garden variety - I already grow that). My autumn garden looks really messy, and too big. Wait! Note to self : it is NOT really messy, it is just natural and normal. And it is NOT too big. It's just a strong size, hee hee...

 Looking towards the Hump Garden.
The Driveway Lawn

So I remind myself (yet again) that even one hour of trimming and weeding is a very good thing. Like this morning, before I race into town for a singing rehearsal, I've collected one barrowful of mess from the back lawn garden - mainly old Shasta daisy stems (I thought I'd trimmed all these) and dead Phormium leaves. I've tidied up a little bit of the edge.

In the grand scheme of things I've done very little. But who notices and measures these things anyway? Just me.


And, what's more, when I came home from singing I worked really hard for three hours. I sat down in the end of the Hump Garden and pulled out lots of unwanted stuff. Very satisfying. Cleared around self-sown Dahlias, Cordylines and ornamental grasses, the mixture of which I love. They do my planting work and make decisions for me. Nice.

 Still flowering.
Autumn Dahlias

And overnight it rained. A reward! This morning the garden is looking very fresh. Photographs, before I forget.

 Rather wet.
Masquerade Climbing Roses

New cat shirts...

Already I have been a bit naughty - have bought two silly cat shirts online (to balance my silly dog shirts). Adding yet a bit more colour to my apres-gardening wardrobe, hee hee. Why not? Again, it's only me who has to enjoy them.

Much later...

So I worked for three hours in the Driveway Garden. I weeded and cleaned up the Astelias. I half fixed a path - what I mean is that I fixed half of its length, and planted pieces of Renga Renga in a neat line alongside. I trimmed this and that, and dug out lots of sycamore tree seedlings. Two barrowfuls of mess.

And I have news. Aargh! The fire ban comes off on Wednesday at 8am. Not that I enjoy bonfiring. I don't. But Eucalyptus tree debris and fallen Cordyline leaves have to be burnt. Most of my dry mess won't compost in a million years. There's no other solution.

 Less weeds, at least!
The Driveway Garden is Tidier

I put on my sweetest voice and asked Non-Gardening Partner if he would like to take a day off to help me. Hmm... Silence. We'll see.