The start of autumn...

 Their second flowering.

Silly me - have just caught up with the fact that it's past the 1st March, for us the meteorological start date for autumn. No wonder summer has been arriving later and later each day. She's soooooo last season!

Tuesday 4th March

Autumn has definitely taken over today. There's a frisson of cool in the air. And it rained steadily overnight, nice vertical rain with no wind to flop the roses or the dahlias over. This morning it's still raining. Non-Gardening Partner has been running the big whooshy irrigation, but nature does it so much better.

Trying again with Claude...

Am back from visiting a friend, who has kindly given me two standard Claude Monet roses. My Claude Monet shrub has never been robust - the first two shifts almost killed him, and after the third (into the Hump Garden) he's lost. Let's see if these two gangly things can do better, and show their gratitude. Alive, Claude is as pretty as a pudding - creamy custard and light raspberry sorbet.

 Photograph taken seven years ago. None taken since then!
Claude Monet Rose

Now my plan is to do as much gardening as I can, maybe get incredibly wet, then come inside and put on dry clothes.

Two hours later...

Had a great (and slightly wet) session in the Stumpy Garden trimming Lychnis and Euphorbias, plus Oak tree sprouts. Lots of fat hen seedlings to remove - must have come in with the last loads of compost and manure.

 Taken three summers ago, when the Miscanthus grass was behaving.
Blackberry Nip Roses

Must remember...

Must remember - the rose Blackberry Nip is now being overshadowed by the Miscanthus. I will move it to a better location. It's a pretty rose, and deserves fresh air and sunshine, as do we all.

Choices, choices...

And now, like I promised myself, I am inside in dry clothes - and dry socks! Yeay! And new library books to have a wee peep through. New piano music to practice before my Chamber Music Group meets on Friday. I could start a new jigsaw? Choices, choices...

Wednesday 5th March

Strange weather? Autumnal. Today's predicted temperature : 12 degrees Celsius. Two days ago : 25 degrees. No wonder my tomatoes in their big patio pots are confused. I can almost hear them. 'C'mon, you fruity chaps! It's time to ripen! Wheee..... Oh no! Stop! Got it wrong. Too cold.'