Between the seasons...

In-between the seasons : first thing in the morning it's autumn, extra-layer cool. Then about 10:30 summer bustles in apologising - 'Sorry I'm late!', gathers up her skirts and rushes all around the garden. Like a mad gardening woman!

Obviously, by mid-day a sensible gardening woman has to choose a shady, cooling-off place to work, like I did today. I put on my crocs and stood in the water race trimming Phormiums and weeding. Happily threw all my mess up and over, onto the lawn.

 By the water race,
Phormiums and Gunnera

Dragged myself out (slowly) three hours later, finished for the day. Was I? Got as far as the back door, then heard the lawn-mower starting up. Blast! Had to go back and pick up all my mess off the lawn.

 And grasses and Gunnera.
Iris Confusa by the Water Race

After my shower I pretended that I was going to clean up anyway, and wasn't I a good gardener, so responsible, that sort of thing. Self delusional!

Sunday 2nd March

Another hot day (eventually). I sang in a Haydn Mass in the morning, so didn't get into my garden until mid-afternoon. Spent two hours back in the water downstream of Willow Bridge, mainly chopping off dead Phormium and fern leaves.

 Lost in the water race.
Captain Kangaroo


Am also keeping an eye out for Captain Kangaroo, who went missing a few weeks ago while floating down the water race strapped to a jandal. A risky journey, and possibly the Captain's Last Big Adventure. No luck as yet, but I'm determined to find him if he's stuck in the Gunnera somewhere.

A reward!

If by the remotest chance you come across a wet brown toy kangaroo (in a smart blue pilot's jacket) on a pale grey jandal, please get in touch. I can offer a reward!

Next day...

Two contrasting words. Blast! Spent only one hour in the water before it started raining. Yeay! Rain! So happy! But I didn't clean up my mess because I'd stashed my camera underneath a shrub, and it was vital that I scooped it up and took it inside. By then the rain was worse. Excuses, excuses!