Music and Gardening...
If anyone out there is still searching for the meaning of life, you are most welcome to try out mine : a balance of music and gardening, with a sprinkling of cats and dogs. So easy!

Winnie the Dog
Oh boy! Today I have been oh so good. Five hours, and I've cleaned up and dumped my mess - five barrowfuls. Had a short break midday to work on some music I'm arranging (Ravel's Sonatine) for my chamber music group.
Doing edges, trimming, dead-heading, weeding...
I've been working in the gardens around the Driveway Lawn - doing the edges, trimming shrubs (Buddleia and Berberis), dead-heading and weeding. Late in the day I cleared the main Hump Garden path. Cut down the Evening Primroses and trimmed the summer Phlox. Dug out two gigantic old Anemanthele grasses, found quite a lot of nasty grass thriving in the soil underneath. Scraped and dug and tried to get it all out.

My Beautiful Hump Garden in March
And while I worked Winnie the dog sat quietly on the nearby lawn. One of the Fred cats struck a pose on a nearby tree stump. Buster the black cat was spying on us all, hidden underneath a Phormium.
I love the Hump Garden. It's full of dahlias, roses, and the bees are busy bumbling around the flowers. Honey bees share the sedums with the bumbles. The world can learn a lot from bees.

Bees on a Sedum
And I love Ravel's piano music, which so naturally fits flutes, violas, cellos, even orchestras. He himself was THE best orchestrator ever. He understands the textures of one's imagination. Wow! Such praise!