Stumpy Garden Roses
Many reject roses found their first home in the airy spaces of the Stumpy Garden. They might have been rescued from a bare root rose end-of-season sale, or dug out of a friend's garden. Unwanted and unloved, they were given a fresh start here, though eventually they were moved out into a sunnier area.

Blushing Pink Iceberg Roses
The Stumpy Garden 'houses' my small collection of coloured Iceberg roses. A trio of standard Blushing Pink Icebergs line the path from the bridge out onto the lawn, while the more strident Burgundy and Bright Pink Icebergs grow near the water. They are the only roses still left in this garden.
In the earlier days you'd find some David Austin English roses. Fisherman's Friend was one such - a delightfully dark coloured rose. He used to grow near Willow Bridge. English Elegance and Jaquenetta (possibly - this is a guess) jostled for space with Gertrude Jekyll, named after a famous English lady-gardener. All these roses have since been moved to a better location.

Gertrude Jekyll
Gertrude Jekyll is spindly and frail if planted in an overcrowded place, or if she is out of the sun. Of course she is bred by David Austin, and is one of his earlier English roses.

Yellow Rose
This rose, too, started life in the Stumpy Garden and has now been moved. It is a very pretty shade of soft lemon, and the flowers are medium in size. I suspect it might be the yellow Charles Austin.