Garden Copyright and Legal Disclaimer

Don't Infringe Big Fat Sifter's Copyright
All content including source, images and text contained on this website are copyright Moosey's Country Garden 2000 unless stated otherwise. All content that is not our own receives due credit on the credits page.
Stealing is borrowing without asking. We are happy for you to use our text or images as long as you obtain our permission first. Certain conditions may be attached to the use or reproduction of copyrighted content found on this site.
Moosey's Country Garden does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected status - although cats that are good garden company sometimes get treated better than Big Fat Sifter does.
Site Suitability and Content Rating
Moosey's Country Garden supports the PICS content filtering system and is rated by the Internet Content Rating Association.
All content on this site is suitable for viewing by children under the age of 13, though parents may want to be on hand to explain the relationships between rabbits, dogs, cats, birds and mice. Mild, profane slang is used within an artistic context in the Diary section. An example of this would be the words 'horse-poos' used in a garden fertiliser context :)
Forum Postings
Moosey's Country Garden do not accept any responsibility for guestbook postings made by our visitors, though we will remove any postings we deem inappropriate as soon as possible. This is a family site. If you find something you don't agree with notify a moderator or email us and we'll investigate.
External Links
Moosey's Country Garden provides a list of links to external sites and resources. Our guestbook also allows our visitors to leave links to external sites. While Moosey's Country Garden is not responsible or liable for the content available on these sites or resources we endeavour to ensure external links are appropriate and suitable for our visitors.
If you find any objectionable or inappropriate material on a site we link to, please let us know.