Wattle Trees - Flowers and Seed Pods

Yellow Wattle Tree Flowers
The Australian Wattle trees (or Acacias) near the fence-line flower right in the middle of winter, with cheery yellow flowers. My goodness, they look stunning - especially to a colour-starved gardener. And later on they produce artistic seed-pods.
Brighten Up A Winter's Day
The first blossom of a nearby plum tree usually appears when the Wattle trees are flowering. The combination of these white and yellow colours certainly brighten up a winter's day in the garden.
During several winter storms a number of the Wattle trees have broken branches (from either wind or snow) and have had to be sawn completely down. At one stage the Wattle Woods was in danger of losing all its Wattle trees - and therefore its name.
Yellow and Blue
The trees are so tall that the yellow flowers seem to be up near the sky - I can see them from all the other gardens on the Moosey property. And when the winter sky is blue, the colours looks wonderful together. Yellow and blue - very, very nice! Of course, yellow is very much the colour of spring, and pretty soon all the flowering daffodils will pop up and colour the garden. More yellow - yippee!

Wattle Flowers
Here are some pictures of the Acacia (or Wattle tree) seed pods close-up. The ground in the Wattle Woods becomes carpeted with them after flowering time.
Seed Pod Mulch
Of course many small seedlings are produced in the ground as a result, but they are easily removed. It's a pity, as the pods provide a good-looking natural mulch.

close-up of wattle tree seed pods
In the picture below the pinky green Wattle seed pods are hanging down like natural Christmas decorations.

wattle seed pods
There is very much a down-side to Wattle Trees, too. Their branches are very brittle and they self amputate. Our tree man jokes that they are 'self-pruning'. High in these branches is a lot of dead wood which is slowly sliding down to the earth below. In a high wind the Wattle Woods Garden should probably be a hard hat area.