Gnomes Book Club

My large family of garden gnomes live, work, and play around the pond. Some like to fish by the waterlilies, some trundle about the gardens and paths with their wheelbarrow, while others sit on toadstools and daydream.
A small elite group of reading gnomes have formed their own Book Club. The book they are all reading at the moment is called 'Lazy Days'. Actually, they've been continually reading it for the past few years. Hmm...
I am blessed with a Non-Gardening Partner who understands me and my quirky garden ideas. When he was asked to chain-saw down an old multi-trunked tree by the pond, he suggested the stumps be left standing for the gnomes. 'They would like it, sitting up there' he added. What vision!

Gnomes on the Reading Stump
I saw straight away that this would be perfect for the Book Club chaps, who had been requesting a quiet spot where they could concentrate on their reading. And so the Reading Stump came into being.

Red Fred and the Reading Gnomes
The pipe-smokers have been allowed to sit in the Rock Lilies and listen. I've even spied one of the Fred cats taking an interest. Not sure if he was invited, though.