More Hostas
In 2005 I overheard a friend talking about the hostas she was digging out. 'Yes please' I said, and came home with a whole car-load! I decided to plant them together in the shady side of the Septic Tank Border.

New Hostas
The sunniness (not a word, but it makes sense to me) of this part of my garden had been steadily decreasing. Once upon a time roses and flowering perennials were happy in here. But the border was turning into a semi-shaded delight - perfect for foliage plants like hostas. And the best news - it's always been slug and snail-free, and sheltered from the wind.

A Favourite Hosta
Apart from getting the pieces mixed up, losing the few labels there were, and placing some tiny narrow-leafed hostas behind a huge veined blue-green monster, I'm happy. The border now looks a bit bare in winter, but hosta lovers know all about this. The anticipation makes spring all the more enjoyable.