Westerland Rose
Westerland is a very popular moderate climbing rose in New Zealand gardens. The flowers are apricot-orange, and the petals have a satin sheen.

Westerland Roses
I grow one of my Westerland roses up the drainpipe at the end of the house patio. The fragrance is light and quite delightful. Westerland was one of the first climbing roses I bought - I'd seen it in a friend's garden and loved the colour.

Climbing Rose Westerland
It's not a rose for picking for the house, though - one moment the pointed buds are unopen, then in the next the petals are falling off. This much loved rose seems to contain all shades of apricot through to light pink.
This rose repeats, and the later autumn blooms are more saturated in colour. Westerland was bred in Germany in 1969 by Reimer Kordes, and has certainly withstood the test of time. I love it.